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Leadership Insights #20: Working Through Conflict By Understanding Your Type

Published about 2 months ago • 3 min read

Have you ever been in a situation with someone you cared about and realized you had offended them without intending to? Like all of a sudden, you see them shut down emotionally? Or they lash out, and you're back-peddling in your mind trying to figure out what in the world you said or did to warrant such anger?

We all get offended for different reasons. That is obvious. But what I didn't understand until I dove deeper into the Enneagram, is that our personality types have predictable triggers! Knowing our own and understanding what triggers others can greatly improve our relationships with colleagues and avoid unnecessary conflict.

Do you know your Enneagram number? I'm a 7. Check out these triggers to see which one resonates with you most intrinsically, and that may give you a clue to your number:

Ones: Criticism, deception, unfairness
Twos: Feeling unappreciated
Threes: Blame, lack of credit
Fours: Insignificance, delayed or non-affirming responses
Fives: Being interrupted, unexpected publicity
Sixes: Feeling pressured, inauthenticity
Sevens: Invalidating their ideas
Eights: Rejection, injustice, dishonesty
Nines: Confrontation

Do you want to avoid unnecessary triggers and miscommunication? Learn more about your personality type and schedule a 1:1 coaching session to improve your communication skills.

-Erin Robison,
Owner/Founder TruPotential Group

3 Resources from TruPotential Group

Communicate With Confidence Workshop - Does your team struggle to communicate effectively? Do you wonder why interactions sometimes lead to unintended conflicts or confusion? Sign up today for this signature workshop for your leadership team, sales team, or whole organization. These workshops are energizing and impactful, with long-term results.

Virtual Team Workshop - Looking for a high-impact way to invest in your team? Whether your team is remote or in-house, this virtual communication workshop is a powerful way to enhance their ability to drive results and grow in confidence.

The Power of Ice Breakers - This guide contains proven ice breaker questions, activities, and resources to help you catalyze genuine connections and set the right tone for your next meeting. It includes ideas for both in-person and virtual ice breakers.

2 Leadership Resources From Others

Enneagram Resources - The Road Back to You by Ian Cron and The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson are excellent books to read and share. Here is a quick overview of each number. Once you figure out your Enneagram, you will want all of your friends to take the test and let you know their number, too!

Overcome Self-Doubt - Worthy by Jamie Kern Lima was an instant bestseller! "Imagine what you'd do, if you FULLY believed in YOU! When you stop doubting your greatness, build unshakable self-worth and embrace who you are, you transform your entire life! WORTHY teaches you how, with simple steps that lead to life-changing results!"

1 Quote to Remember

From Mentee to Mentor

16-year-old Ava is an elite athlete who plays lacrosse and field hockey. I’ve had the privilege of doing mindset coaching with her for several years. Last week, I had a conversation with Ava and realized I had become the mentee, as I learned a most valuable lesson from her! Read the full story of how she became my mentor!

On a Knee-ded Break

I'm missing these last days of spring skiing as I had a "knee" makeover on Monday - yes, you heard it right, I had my knee replaced. Call it a spring renovation project. ;) The good news is that the surgery went so well, and I was grateful to have an incredible surgeon! He is a great leader, and it was inspiring to watch his team work together! If you have any tips for post-surgery recovery, please send my way! I've been resting, but I've also been able to be somewhat productive at home because of my awesome care team!

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TruPotential Group

We are TruPotential Group focused on innovative, energizing leadership development for corporations and teams. We specialize in communication workshops, one-on-one executive coaching, personality profile assessments, presentation and facilitation skills, media training, in-person and virtual facilitation. Contact us to learn more.

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TruPotential Group
Denver, Colorado

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