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Leadership Insights #22: Get ready for the Communications Course + Community!
Published 3 months ago • 3 min read
We are passionate about learning how to communicate confidently and working together towards reaching our full potential. That's why we are SO EXCITED to launch an exclusive membership community, the Communications Course! We've heard your questions as we've met you around the country and want to be even more available to meet you where you're at in your journey and professional worlds!
This Communications Course is more than just an online course. Yes, it includes all of our most popular workshops broken up in bite-sized videos to work through on your own time [complete with all the complementary resources]. But we also will have designated office hours and regular live workshops to share our most cutting edge info on communication. Not only that, but with our special app, you can get real time feedback on tips for your own presentations, meetings, or difficult conversations, even as you are on your way to your appointments. And most importantly, you will be connected with an INCREDIBLE network of growth-minded individuals, all eager to collaborate and share best practices.
The Communications Course + Community launches on July 16th, perfect timing for that mid-summer push after the holiday! We are offering a special discount to our first 25 founding members of 60% off!!!!! Shoot me an email right now, to let me know you are interested, and we'll make sure to send you the sign up link soon. And mark your calendars for launch week, July 16th! We will have special guest speakers, fun challenges, and lots to learn!
-Erin Robison, Owner/Founder TruPotential Group
3 Resources from TruPotential Group
Asking For Help - Why you don’t ask for help? Do you think no one can do it as well as you? That asking may look weak, that you don’t have the competency or skill to achieve it on your own? Maybe you think you don’t have time to delegate or ask for help, when in reality, you are prioritizing scrolling or Netflix. What lies have become truths in your mind? Read this article for tips on getting out of this negative infinity loop and learning to ask for help when you need it.
Is Your Life on Autopilot? - How can we live the life we desire without losing ourselves to work or mindless scrolling that achieves nothing other than reinforcing our autopilot behaviors? Is it our tendency to please others, maintain harmony, or avoid conflict? It’s time to come off autopilot and live intentionally. Here are some tips that help me come off autopilot and reconnect with my true self, striving to be better each day and get off my autopilot which is showing up as more negative than I realized...
How To Be More Confident - The number one question I get asked is, “How can I be more confident?” The good news is that it’s not something you are just born with. It’s like a muscle. We have to work hard every day to build it. Action grows confidence. You can’t wait for the feeling of confidence to appear automatically. You have to DO things each day to give yourself enough evidence that you are capable and competent in the areas that are important to you. Here are a few ideas...
Chop Wood, Carry Water: Check out this inspiring book about Kyrie Irving's journey: "It's about eliminating external distractions... and just focusing on the process itself, and enjoying every single day. Chopping wood, carrying water. Greatness is not meant for a few chosen people. It's meant for those who persistently pursue their dreams every day and make that choice when they wake up" - Kyrie Irving
The Six Conversations: Pathways to Connecting in an Age of Isolation and Incivility: This is a fascinating and practical read by Heather Holleman. It offers six frameworks for the different types of important conversations we desire as humans and should lean in to as we seek to connect with others. In the appendix are 100 specific questions! One idea is to use these as dinner conversation topics or ice breakers for meetings.
1 Quote to Remember
Celebrating family graduations and niece's prom this month, along with local Korean food, and watching a Rockie's game with one of my favorite clients! Working with them never feels like work! Right, George? Thanks for being our Chief Happiness Engineer and always reminding me of what's most important.
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We are TruPotential Group focused on innovative, energizing leadership development for corporations and teams. We specialize in communication workshops, one-on-one executive coaching, personality profile assessments, presentation and facilitation skills, media training, in-person and virtual facilitation. Contact us to learn more.
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