Leadership Insights #11: If you don't have a purpose, don't have a meeting

Imagine the scene at the Westin at Denver International Airport: top-tier leaders gathered for meetings with a packed agenda...all under my direction.

By midday, however, negative body language overshadowed proceedings. Despite assuming hunger was the culprit and promptly addressing it, the unsettling vibes persisted. Engagement was scarce, energy levels were dwindling, and participation was at an all-time low.

The wake-up call came at the end of the first day. A colleague renowned for his managerial bravery confronted the issue. "Erin," he stated, "this meeting is counterproductive. It's hurting morale and your credibility." Ouch!!

"What's the issue?" I asked.

"You've overloaded the agenda. We're just checking boxes, which isn't our identity as leaders."

His words hit hard. My oversight was clear: I had neglected the value of a concise, clear, and engaging approach. The team was unprepared due to my failure to provide clear directives, and I had positioned myself as a lecturer rather than a facilitator.

This pivotal moment was more than a personal lesson; it spurred a complete overhaul in my approach to meetings. I learned a transformative shift from extensive agendas to succinct, engaging, and participative discussions. We now train others how to do the same. Here's to reinventing meetings together.

-Erin Robison,
Owner/Founder TruPotential Group

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Stop having unproductive meetings

Are your meetings draining your team’s time and energy without delivering the desired results?

TruPotential Group presents a groundbreaking workshop that will revolutionize the way you approach meetings.

Designed for professionals like you who strive for excellence in their organization, this course will equip you with the skills and strategies to lead and participate in meetings that drive productivity and success.

Booth Training Basics

Did you catch our 5 part series on tips for Working a Booth during trade shows this year? Which one did you like best? Here's a recap, and make sure to follow our founder, Erin Robison on LinkedIn for more tips on body language, leadership, and conflict resolution.

Tip #1: Make eye contact (but not creepy eye contact).

Tip #2: Relax your shoulders (don't square up and look territorial).

Tip #3: If you have something important to say, slow down your voice.

Tip #4: Don't create a barrier.

Tip #5: Don't congregate.

The holiday season is a time of joy, togetherness, and celebration. It’s a time when we exchange gifts, decorate our homes, indulge in special meals, and sometimes even travel to be with loved ones. However, the festivities can come with a heavy financial burden that can leave you stressed and worried. To ensure a worry-free and enjoyable holiday season, it’s essential to plan ahead financially. In this segment, we’ll explore how to create a comprehensive budget that covers all your anticipated holiday expenses and how sticking to this budget can help you avoid post-holiday financial headaches.

Most salespeople and leaders do not like to hear the word "budget." We just decide we will make more to spend more. ;) However, when it comes to holiday gifts and spending, it may help us if we consider making a game out of it. Try setting a spending limit to help zone in on maximizing your time and creativity in gift-giving. Let me know how this works for you!

Meet Alex Lopez

Business Coach

Alex has sixteen years of experience as an educator in business. He has always been

passionate about business, entrepreneurship, and self-improvement. As an ENTJ, he offers that perfect blend of head and heart, which is essential in leadership and also contributes to an insatiable pursuit of adventure and growth. Alex is a foodie, enjoys entertaining, and loves to travel. He says, “My family is my motivation and inspiration.”

Working with TruPotential makes your job easier! Worked with Erin and her team to develop a series of virtual workshops to support people managers prepare and deliver yearly reviews. She took the time to ask questions, gain clarity to ensure true understanding of our needs. She developed useful tools to support the thought process and execution of calibration, writing and delivering manager assessments. Our leaders of all levels were engaged during the virtual sessions and were able to put into practice what they learned.
- Marche BB

Where in the World is George?

George’s Moab adventure is a reminder that life’s greatest pleasures can be found in the simplest of moments in nature. 🐶🌄🏞️ #AdventurePup #MoabMagic #NatureNurtures

Hello, from CU!

Our last family weekend at CU with Mary Claire. She graduates next May. It is going to be weird going to family weekend without her!!

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TruPotential Group

We are TruPotential Group focused on innovative, energizing leadership development for corporations and teams. We specialize in change management, one-on-one executive coaching, communication & collaboration tools, personality profile assessments, presentation and facilitation skills, media training, in-person and virtual facilitation. Contact us to learn more.

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TruPotential Group
Denver, Colorado

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