Leadership Insights #12: Do you ever feel off-balance?

As we approach the end of the year and holiday season, you may start to feel a bit unsettled as a leader. Don't let it catch you off-guard or throw you off-balance. Give yourself a break. If you had an off-week, there are several likely reasons why:

  • Most of us have less than 30 working days to accomplish all our goals before the end of the year.
  • Our circadian rhythm just got thrown off with daylight savings time.
  • Juggling vacation time, family travel, gift-giving, and holiday parties adds extra demands to our already full days.

You may feel under a lot of pressure. And that's understandable. But you can gift yourself a gift, and be good to yourself. Here are a few things I have found to help me get through these more stressful seasons:

  1. Call a friend and talk it out.
  2. Go for a walk and get some sunshine.
  3. Wake up/go to bed at the same time.
  4. Read a book or watch a movie just for fun to recharge.

It also helps to remember that you are in a role that you've chosen to be in. You can't show up for your team unless you take care of yourself and are good to yourself. So, don't worry about it or second-guess yourself if you are feeling off-balance. Let it go, and be good to yourself. I'd love to hear what habits work best for you to recenter yourself!

-Erin Robison,
Owner/Founder TruPotential Group

Redefine the Year-End Review Process Workshop

Gallup reveals a mere 14% of employees feel reviews drive them to excel. If reviews were a drug, they would not meet FDA approval for efficacy.

Raise your standards as a leader, and sign up for our special workshop to unlock the power of effective year-end reviews. If your year-end reviews are in March, this is the perfect time to get ahead of the game and learn how to boost employee engagement through your year-end reviews.

The year-end review process is a powerful tool for:

  1. Enhancing employee performance
  2. Aligning organizational goals
  3. Fostering professional development

By following best practices, leveraging resources, and committing to open communication, organizations can make year-end reviews a cornerstone of their success. Check out our recent article with effective tips and resources.

Hello, from San Francisco and NYC!

Our team traveled coast to coast these last couple weeks from San Francisco to New York City! We were honored to facilitate training around the art of communication and storytelling with an incredible team of professionals and even got to squeeze in Hamilton on Broadway!

Where in the World is George?

George’s adventures are a blast, giving us the sad eyes when grocery shopping is a solo human activity, or walking through the snow. #NotAGroceryDog #SnowyWalks

The holiday season is a time for cherished family gatherings, filled with warmth and laughter. Yet, alongside the joy, we often encounter the stress and unease that can arise from underlying tensions or unspoken expectations. Here are three things you can do to ensure a harmonious and enjoyable holiday season for all.

Have a great Thanksgiving Week!

We are grateful for you!! Thank you for being such incredible clients and colleagues! As we enter the holiday week, be sure to follow us on LinkedIn, as we will be sharing some insights around being grateful even for our failures and learnings. :)

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TruPotential Group

We are TruPotential Group focused on innovative, energizing leadership development for corporations and teams. We specialize in change management, one-on-one executive coaching, communication & collaboration tools, personality profile assessments, presentation and facilitation skills, media training, in-person and virtual facilitation. Contact us to learn more.

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TruPotential Group
Denver, Colorado

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