Leadership Insights #13: Embracing Failures: A Leader’s Journey to Growth and Gratitude

As an ENFP leader, my journey has been filled with valuable lessons, many learned through challenging failures. I’ve always believed in the power of consensus in decision-making, a natural inclination for someone with my personality type. But as my responsibilities grew, and I began leading other leaders, this approach didn’t always yield the best results.

A defining moment came on January 2nd, many years ago. I received a call that changed my perspective on leadership. The caller was a respected leader within my team, someone I considered a go-to figure. His voice was flat, almost lifeless – a stark contrast to his usual demeanor. His words struck me hard; he felt I was “playing favorites,” allowing the loudest voices to dominate, and not creating space for diverse ideas.

Sitting in the snow outside, listening to his honest feedback, I felt the wind knocked out of me. My immediate response, with welling eyes, was an acknowledgment of his points. I realized that in trying to manage strong personalities, I had unintentionally allowed the same dominant voices to take over. It was a moment of leadership at its worst! It still makes me cringe to think I created a culture that lacked diverse thinking and the openness to challenge ideas. This wasn't consensus; it was even worse. It was group think and a culture that lacked inclusion. Awful!

Fortunately, this leader chose to stay and assisted me in recognizing the subtle yet damaging friction my leadership style was creating. Those weeks that followed were uncomfortable, but they were pivotal in my growth as a leader. I learned more in that period than I had in my entire career.

This experience taught me a fundamental truth: If we do not fail, make mistakes, or occasionally fall short of perfection, we cannot reach our true potential.

-Erin Robison,
Owner/Founder TruPotential Group

A Legacy of Laughter and Leadership

As we journey through this holiday season, I tend to become more nostalgic about my dad. In April 2016, the world lost a remarkable soul – my father, Charlie Robison. Yet, his spirit and teachings continue to ripple through time, touching lives and molding leaders. As I prepared for a leadership retreat this week themed “Being a Multiplier,” I reflected on how my dad embodied this concept, transforming everyone he encountered.

Charlie’s last days were unique, filled with an unusual sound in a hospice setting: laughter. The Chaplin remarked he had never heard such joy around a deathbed. This was the essence of my father – turning even the most somber moments into celebrations of life and togetherness.

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Redefine Annual Reviews: Boost Employee Engagement Workshop

When do you conduct your annual reviews? We recommend signing up for this training three months before your annual reviews. We will train your leaders to feel prepared and eager to share both positive and constructive feedback with their employees. We help them avoid common mistakes and emotional land mines. And we walk through specific scripts to use with high, mid, and low performers. This workshop can catalyze your teams' morale and productivity for the whole year! Reach out today.

Hello, from Devil's Thumb, CO and Florida!

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving week! I spent it at Devil's Thumb in Tabernash, CO with my mom and niece, Mary Claire. The family time continued, as I traveled with Gwen to Florida for the Multiplier Conference! It is a privilege to be able to grow and lead this company from anywhere - I'm grateful for our incredible team and my supportive family!

Where in the World is George?

During one of his first vet visits George flopped on the floor in this adorable position. The vet came in and asked do you mind if I have the techs come in to see this. I said see what? He replied, "You have a splooter." I said, "Oh my gosh, is he okay, what is a splooter?" He laughed and said a position also called frogging or pancaking. George is just fine, he is more than fine, he is displaying extreme comfort in this position🐾❤️ Whether he’s lounging at home, taking in the sights from our comfy RV, or just waiting for adventure around the corner, George’s sploot is a sign of a well-traveled, happy dog. Stay tuned to see where George’s paws land next! #SplootWatch #GeorgeTheExplorer”

As the holiday rush sweeps in, it’s all too common to put our own well-being on the back burner. However, amidst the flurry of festivities and obligations, prioritizing self-care is not just a luxury but a necessity. Neglecting it can lead to increased stress, decreased resilience, and dampened spirits during what should be a joyful time. Therefore, carving out time for self-care activities becomes paramount to navigate this season with balance and tranquility.

Have a great December!

The last month of the year doesn't have to be stressful. Carve out time each week for yourself as a leader. Here are 3 leadership tips to gain clarity for the upcoming year. If your family is a place of refreshment and peace, schedule simple activities like movie nights, puzzles, or going out for hot chocolate. Challenge yourself to journal each day for just 5 minutes, recording something you are thankful for and something you look forward to. And don't forget to get outside and walk each day! Let me know how you are doing and what lies ahead for 2024! I'd love journey alongside you as a leader to reach your true potential!

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TruPotential Group

We are TruPotential Group focused on innovative, energizing leadership development for corporations and teams. We specialize in change management, one-on-one executive coaching, communication workshops, personality profile assessments, presentation and facilitation skills, media training, in-person and virtual facilitation. Contact us to learn more.

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TruPotential Group
Denver, Colorado

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