Leadership Insights #14: Embracing the Gift of Time

Hello friends and colleagues!

Eight years ago, during the holiday season, our family faced a heart-wrenching revelation - my father’s cancer had progressed to his brain. A passionate driver, he was advised to put away his keys, ending a joy that had long been a part of his life. This news came two years after he was told he could no longer indulge in his beloved hobby of biking. My parents had explored thousands of miles across Colorado on their bikes, participating in events like Ride the Rockies and the Bicycle Tour of the Rockies. My dad even conquered the challenging Triple Bypass ride.

Christmas 2015 was distinct from any other. It wasn’t about the gifts or the usual holiday stress. It was about the unspoken understanding that our time together was finite. We cherished every moment, from lounging on the couch watching Netflix series that provided a brief escape from our reality, to sharing laughs over ice cream. We knew, deep down, that this could be our last holiday season together.

Cycling was a refuge for me. The unusually warm and humid Charlotte winter became a backdrop to my emotional rides, where I pedaled hard to the rhythm of blaring music, trying to outpace my sorrow. These rides allowed me to return home calmer, ready to be fully present with my dad.

Our holiday was defined by simple, yet profound joys. My dad’s silly jokes, his unyielding optimism, and his quiet strength. Despite his and my mom’s struggles, our home was filled with smiles, shared meals, and abundant laughter. The moments we shared together were priceless.

This experience has profoundly shaped my perspective on gift-giving. I've realized that the most precious gift we can offer is our time and presence. In a world obsessed with material possessions, it’s important to remember that the real treasures are the moments we share with loved ones.

As this holiday season approaches, I invite you to reflect on how you choose to spend your time. Forget the allure of expensive gifts, jewelry, or the latest gadgets. Ask yourself, what memories do you want to create? How will you make the most of the time you have with those who matter most?

In memory of my dad, a man of incredible resilience and joy, let’s embrace the gift of time this holiday season.

-Erin Robison,
Owner/Founder TruPotential Group

Delegate Responsibilities

Remember, the essence of the holidays lies not in perfection, but in the moments spent together. Delegating tasks allows you to focus on what truly matters – cherishing the company of your loved ones and relishing the joyous moments of celebration.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to get caught up in the quest for the perfect holiday. However, it’s crucial to remind ourselves that the magic of the season isn’t in flawlessness but in the shared experiences and connections we cultivate with those we hold dear.

When you delegate responsibilities, you not only free up your time, but also create opportunities for meaningful interactions. Those moments when you’re all gathered around the kitchen, each contributing your culinary flair, or collaborating on transforming the house into a festive wonderland become cherished memories that bind you closer.

Moreover, sharing tasks spreads the joy of accomplishment. It’s not just about lightening the load; it’s about everyone feeling involved and appreciated. The act of delegation becomes a gesture of trust and inclusion, affirming that each person’s contribution is valued and important.

In this shared journey of preparing for the holidays, you’re not just checking off tasks on a list; you’re weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and fostering a sense of togetherness that lasts far beyond the season itself.

So, while you delegate tasks, remember that it’s not merely about getting things done. It’s about embracing the beauty of collaboration and bonding over the collective effort towards creating a memorable and heartwarming holiday season for all.

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The Art of Communication

Do you ever feel like you're not being heard? Are you tired of your messages being misinterpreted in the workplace? Do wonder why your interactions sometimes lead to unintended conflicts or confusion?

We understand the importance of effective communication in the workplace.

The Art of Communication Workshop empowers individuals like you to elevate your communication skills, ensuring your messages are not only heard but understood.

Join us to discover the power of nonverbal signals and how they can impact your conversations. Gain awareness of the subtle cues you may be sending and learn how to use them to your advantage.

Let me know if you'd like more information about scheduling this signature workshop for yourself or your team in 2024.

Hello, from Copper Mountain!

Our team had a working meeting on the mountain yesterday! The lift passed over the Big Air jump and Half Pipe of the Grand Prix competition, and we enjoyed lunch with a scenic overview at Aerie, Copper's newest lodge, as we discussed strategy and plans for 2024! If you head to Colorado this winter, let us know, so we can meet you on the mountain!

Where in the world is George?

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We are TruPotential Group focused on innovative, energizing leadership development for corporations and teams. We specialize in change management, one-on-one executive coaching, communication workshops, personality profile assessments, presentation and facilitation skills, media training, in-person and virtual facilitation. Contact us to learn more.

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TruPotential Group
Denver, Colorado

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