Leadership Insights #19: The Two Ingredients for Meaningful Connection

Meaningful connections are sooooo important!!! Last week, I reconnected with a group of colleagues and friends that I have known for 10-20 years! It had been a while since we had all been together because of COVID, business, and travel, and we were all overwhelmed by how special it was! So much joy!!!

We reflected on why this particular group from Shire was so close, and we realized it was because we had gone through so many ups and downs together both in business and in life. We stepped into leadership roles around the same time, made mistakes together, and learned to lean on each other. We weren't "out for ourselves." We helped each other when we lost loved ones. The company culture really enabled us to rally for the whole team. To their credit, they were intentional about hiring authentic people who valued personal growth and "we vs. me."

If you have been feeling isolated or alone, I'd encourage you to reach out to your community - whether they are in your hometown or spread out across the world. Initiate a time to reunite in person or over zoom, and set the stage for honest conversations, laughter, and even tears. We need these connections for our own health and happiness!! And they tend to have a ripple effect that continues spreading even after they are over.

Women of the Summit is an incredible place to start meeting new people in Summit County, CO. It was an honor to be a presenter at their Career Camp last weekend, and I look forward to growing meaningful connections with all those I met.

I hope you enjoy my latest article below on the Two Ingredients For Meaningful Connection, and sign up for our next event, Awaken Your Potential: Discovering Your Enneagram Personality Type. It will be another awesome night of meaningful connection!

-Erin Robison,
Owner/Founder TruPotential Group

3 Resources from TruPotential Group

The Two Ingredients for Meaningful Connection - The past few weeks have taught me a lot about the value of experiencing meaningful connections. To enjoy these connections, we need to really be present in the moment, be honest with others, and true to ourselves. Facing fears and tough times, like missing my dad and starting my own business, have shown me how important it is to stay true to what I value. I’ve deliberately chosen to value growing a little each day, and not just doing things to impress others. Oftentimes, the stress, negativity, shame and judgment from others can get the best of us and cause us to turn away from how we really feel or want to act...

Happy Hour in Frisco, CO + Mini Workshop - Awaken Your Potential: Discovering Your Enneagram Personality Type - Join us on Wednesday, March 27th at the AC Hotel in Frisco, CO from 5:30-7:00 PM. Are you a Challenger? A Helper? A Peacemaker? An Achiever? There are 9 Enneagram types, and if you don't know your type yet, now is the time to find out! Sign up today, and we will send you a free link to take the Enneagram test online so that when you show up to the Happy Hour, you will be prepared. The first five people to sign up will receive a complimentary copy of The Road Back To You by Ian Cron.

Virtual Team Workshops: Invest in your team! This workshop helps your team learn to communicate with confidence to get results. Grow a culture of continuous learning and self-improvement, learn to give and receive constructive feedback, and avoid misunderstandings. For sales teams, we share effective tips to speak articulately, project confidence, and read body language well.

2 Leadership Resources From Others

The Gift of Imperfection by Brené Brown: "Let go of who you think you're supposed to be, and embrace who you are." This book is a game-changer in learning to love yourself, be gracious to yourself, and ultimately connect with others in a more genuine way.

The 14 Best Books on Leading People and Developing Great Culture by Craig Groeschel: I'd love to hear which books you've read and which ones you'd add to his list! We are creating our own list as well to share with you soon!

1 Quote to Remember

Communicate With Confidence

The last few weeks we've been sharing our signature workshop, Communicate With Confidence in Boston with emerging leaders at a large biotech company, in Breckenridge with Women of the Summit's Career Camp, and online with over a hundred leaders and owners. Next week we will be in Lisbon for a Global Marketing Team! Sign up today for this workshop to help take your team's communication skills to the next level.

Speaking of meaningful connection...here are some images from my nieces, Charlie (red) and Mary Claire skiing and spending quality time with my BFF's daughter, Cassidy who through the years has created an authentic connection with my nieces. I consider Cassidy my fourth niece. ;)

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TruPotential Group

We are TruPotential Group focused on innovative, energizing leadership development for corporations and teams. We specialize in change management, one-on-one executive coaching, communication workshops, personality profile assessments, presentation and facilitation skills, media training, in-person and virtual facilitation. Contact us to learn more.

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TruPotential Group
Denver, Colorado

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