Leadership Insights #8: From IQ to EQ

Hello Leaders,

Those that have worked with me in the past, especially 10 plus years ago probably remember instances where something in a meeting triggered an impulse. The result was me saying or doing something that, although funny, was emotionally unintelligent and caused unintentional damage. One that I recall and still cringe is during one of our standard managers' meetings, we were asked to bring our senior yearbook photos. The projector cast images of our younger selves, clad in iconic '80s styles. One particular image triggered an impulse in me, leading me to quip, "Looks like she spent time under the bleachers." The mood shifted instantaneously.

My colleague managed to laugh off my impromptu remark, yet I was acutely aware of the discomfort I had unintentionally generated. This was but one of many instances where I've blurted out thoughts better left unsaid, revealing a momentary lapse in my emotional intelligence. Such lapses in EQ can turn mundane gatherings into memorable missteps, potentially impacting one's professional path.

Recognizing my tendencies to voice unfiltered thoughts, I've since taken measures to curb these low EQ moments. Mindfulness exercises, active listening, and pausing before speaking have become integral practices in my daily interactions. Furthermore, I've invested in EQ training and workshops, providing me with tools to be more aware and in control of my reactions. Enhancing our EQ is not merely about dodging pitfalls; it paves the way for us to realize our fullest potential both personally and professionally, fostering deeper connections, effective communication, and personal evolution.

-Erin Robison,
Owner/Founder TruPotential Group

From IQ to EQ: The Silent Shift Transforming Leadership Success

If you answer yes to any of these questions, the following article on Emotional Intelligence is for you.

  • Do I believe I’m the most intelligent person in the room?
  • Do I dominate meetings and conversations?
  • Do I regularly check in with team members about their well-being and job satisfaction?
  • Am I more focused on preserving my image than on the overall well-being of the team and the organization?

Traditionally, leadership has been perceived as the domain of the intellectually gifted. The individual who can strategize with unparalleled acumen is often presumed to be the most intelligent person in the room and, therefore, the most qualified to lead.

However, this understanding of intelligence and leadership has evolved significantly in recent years, particularly in the context of the modern workplace. A growing body of empirical research now suggests that emotional quotient (EQ) – the ability to comprehend, manage, and effectively leverage emotional dynamics in oneself and others – is equally, if not more, important than traditional intelligence quotient (IQ) measures.

Strategy Mindmapping

Get clear on your business problems to solve. A half-day interactive, real-time session building out a mindmap of issues, opportunities and risks. We identify relationships between strategies and resources, and send a follow-up summary of findings and next steps

Emotional Intelligence

Self-awareness, self-discipline, and empathy add up to a different way of being smart—and they aren’t fixed at birth.

Six steps to improve your emotional intelligence

Sometimes emotions don’t make sense, and sometimes being emotional doesn’t mean you're emotionally intelligent.

Tim Bender

Meet Tim! Tim is a consultant with TruPotential Group. He is passionate, insightful, knowledgeable, and engaging with 25 years of experience in human dynamics and psychology. He is an expert of the Enneagram, and as a 4 can understand the tension within leaders to connect and stand out at the same time. You may get to meet Tim if you hire TPG for team building, Enneagram Training, or leadership development

Where in the World is George?

Meet George, our Chief Happiness Officer! George is leading by example here with his buddy at Copper Mountain! What a great role model for us all!

Hello, from Boston!

We traveled to Boston last week to meet with clients for training and were thrilled to present tools around the Art of Communication. A huge success all the way around! Next week we head to Dallas, TX, so text me if you will be in the area!

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TruPotential Group

We are TruPotential Group focused on innovative, energizing leadership development for corporations and teams. We specialize in change management, one-on-one executive coaching, communication & collaboration tools, personality profile assessments, presentation and facilitation skills, media training, in-person and virtual facilitation. Contact us to learn more.

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TruPotential Group
Denver, Colorado

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