Leadership Insights #9: Achieving Greatness Through Painting a Masterpiece and Embracing Pressure

Hello Leaders,

We had the honor of hearing author and speaker, David Cook speak on Greatness last week in Dallas per a special invitation from ERISA Recovery.

The talk was titled, Selfless Exceptionalism. Cook captivated the room as he shared stories of peak performance athletes and how they handled high pressure situations when their lifelong goals were on the line – a pole vaulter who competed at the Olympic trials with 36 stitches(!!!), a pro-golfer who nailed the challenging hole to win the tournament, and an NCAA Volleyball coach who chose to speak belief over a key (but unpredictable) player during their championship game instead of pick the safer route with another player.

We were inspired by each of these stories of humans who rose to the occasion by embracing pressure to reach their goals, but who were also choosing sacrifice and “the other” over themselves. That is true greatness. Depth of character with the volition to win.

As I reflected on his speech (in addition to just admiring every aspect of his delivery!), I wanted to capture my own take-aways. Watch my video below or read my thoughts fully here.

video preview

So this week, and I am going to work on these two things, and I challenge all of you as well! I’m painting masterpieces like Picasso in my mind. I’m being good to myself. I’m believing in the goals that I’m setting out for myself. I’m not painting a tragedy. And secondly, I’m putting myself in pressure situations. So, have fun with that, and you, too, can achieve greatness.

-Erin Robison,
Owner/Founder TruPotential Group

Why do we work with high performers?

From Don Dalrymple: We only have so much time on this earth, and I always think about how to make the highest impact within the shortest amount of time. Erin and I, from our hearts and natural drive, constantly look to help others reach their potential.

Our styles are different. Erin nurtures, listens, cares for and encourages clients and friends to take life by the horns. I like to take in information, understand your goals, clarify any gaps and help with resources, connections and strategies to win.

While we have worked with many different people over the years both in life and business, in TruPotential Group, we decided to focus on helping high performers. We want to give our very best in each relationship we develop. We thoughtfully discussed and clarified our mission by examining what makes us happy, what really creates impact and what is a win for our clients and for us.

High performers tend to have certain qualities and strong character. They see value and desire to grow. These are clients who become not only great customers, but also employees, vendors and friends. Read our list of qualities we notice and resonate with...

Crush Unproductive Meetings: A Game Changing Workshop

Do you often find yourself wondering if there’s a better way to conduct productive and impactful meetings?

Look no further!

TruPotential Group presents a groundbreaking workshop that will revolutionize the way you approach meetings.

Designed for professionals like you who strive for excellence in their organization, this course will equip you with the skills and strategies to lead and participate in meetings that drive productivity and success.


This unassuming book is packaged simply and elegantly for a reason. Invest in yourself or others with this collectors item, life-changing book.

The Mindset of a Champion

This recording was similar to the talk we heard last week in Dallas. Pull up a chair and be inspired and challenged as we were!

Suzy Martinek

Welcome Suzy Martinek! She is a dynamic business coach and account manager at TruPotential Group. Suzy is the consummate networker, maintaining incredible professional connections across the country. She also has years of experience in coaching, mentoring, and cheering others on towards their true potential. As a 7 on the Enneagram, Suzy is always up for a party, fun conversation, or competitive game of tennis or pickleball.

Where in the World is George?

From their first breath, George and Nugget shared a bond deeper than words. As we reunite these soulful siblings for a week, stay tuned for heartwarming moments of their special connection. 🐾💕

Hello, from Dallas!

We traveled with our team last week for client training, and were able to also see the Rangers vs Red Sox Game with ERISA Recovery and hear speaker, David Cook.... lots of fun delivering valuable training and connecting with colleagues!

Behind the Scenes

Thanks to our photographer Andrea Stark, our team was incredibly lucky to film on location this week at Chalissima, a $19M home for sale at Breckenridge Ski Resort. We are launching, Crush Unproductive Meetings: A Game-Changing Workshop, and had a blast filming the video together! Here's a peek at BTS.

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TruPotential Group

We are TruPotential Group focused on innovative, energizing leadership development for corporations and teams. We specialize in change management, one-on-one executive coaching, communication & collaboration tools, personality profile assessments, presentation and facilitation skills, media training, in-person and virtual facilitation. Contact us to learn more.

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TruPotential Group
Denver, Colorado

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